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Our crews are proud to serve Wisconsin, like modern-day Paul Bunyans!

Forestry & Logging Services

Krueger Lumber Co. is committed to the sustainable use of our forest resources from the woods to the warehouse. You can trust us to promote and practice sustainable forest management while meeting your land management goals. Whether we are harvesting timbers to serve business or personal needs, we can guarantee we will meet your expectations. 


We provide forest consultations at no cost. Our logging crews and professional forestry equipment are best suited for 5 or more wooded acres. During this time, our experienced timber buyers will talk with you about your goals, concerns, and questions regarding your land. They will walk through the woods with you to perform a forest inventory and analysis. The visit will conclude with recommendations for the management of your forested land. 


If the landowner is interested in continuing with our logging operations we can create a plan including everything the landowner would need and want to know. Upon review and approval, a bid for the standing timber will be written up and delivered to the landowner. If the bid is accepted we will prepare and deliver another document called the timber sale contract. Once the contract is signed by the landowner and our timber buyer the logging operations will be able to begin as discussed and documented. Prior to starting the job, we pay the landowner in full for the estimated value of the contract. Throughout our logging operations and after the job is completed, our timber buyer is available to both the logging crew and the landowner.

Aerial top view forest tree, Rainforest
Lumberjack with modern harvester working
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Timber & Log Buying

Krueger Lumber Co. is a buyer of standing timber, timberlands, and cut logs. We purchase standing timber as a result of the forestry and logging services detailed above. These services are typically available to those with five or more wooded acres. We purchase timberland that we manage for sustainable harvest over time. Typically a purchase of timberland would include five or more wooded acres. We also purchase cut logs from landowners or companies that have recently harvested an area of land. We typically have cut logs delivered to our yard where they are scaled for value. Depending on having a greater quantity our timber buyers can occasionally arrange for pick up of cut logs. For a copy of our current log price sheet please fill out the contact form below.

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Phone:  +1 (920) 775-4663

Fax:  +1 (920) 782-2020


Krueger Lumber Company, Inc.

21324 US Highway 151 

Valders, WI 54245 USA

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday 7 AM to 4 PM

Friday 7 AM to 3 PM

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